Blogger Tricks

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Party Cancelled

Hey guys. I forgot to post the time of the party today, so I'm moving it to next week.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Rainbows and Hats!

Hello, fliers! Todays two new items are the clover top hat in Jam Mart Furniture and the painted rainbow to add to the paint studio collection.

I don't exactly like this item, but I guess it's okay.

This one seems much better to me. The bright colors make it stand out from the rest of the dull blue items. It says you can change it's color, but I don't get how. Too bad I'm a non member.

Graham has left us very interesting post on the Daily Explorer.


Greetings Jammers! Welcome to my IMAGINATION FAIR!
This spring, I’m challenging Jammers all over the world to create S.T.E.A.M related inventions, creations, and items by DRAWING and submitting them!!!

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Jammers should submit DRAWINGS or ILLUSTRATIONS based on whichever S.T.E.A.M. subject they choose. Winning submissions will be chosen for each S.T.E.A.M. subject, that’s 5 WINNERS total! Each winner will be awarded 5 DIAMONDS each, and have their creation featured here on the DAILY EXPLORER!

:butterfly: :butterfly: :butterfly: :butterfly: :butterfly:
Science – 1 WINNER
Technology – 1 WINNER
Engineering – 1 WINNER
Art – 1 WINNER
Mathematics – 1 WINNER

:butterfly: :butterfly: :butterfly: :butterfly: :butterfly:
Best of luck Jammers!


You can submit through JAMMER CENTRAL in JAMAA TOWNSHIP! If you’d like to submit, check out this handy tutorial: How to Submit Artwork. You can also submit through the ART STUDIO, located in CORAL CANYONS. All submissions are due APRIL 22, 2015

When you submit, make sure you title your submission as “IMAGINATION FAIR” so your submission can be eligible. Final winners will be announced on the DAILY EXPLORER in APRIL, so stay tuned!!!
This is kinda like the contest to get in the Jamaaliday Comic finale, but a little different. This looks fun. Are you going to enter? Catch you later!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Lucky Party!

Hey everyone! We're going to have our very first party soon! Here's the invite:

Lucky Party!
When: Saturday, March 21st, 2015
Where: frostd362's den
Who: Evryone!

Hope to see you there!